Executive committee

All affiliated clubs are asked to send representatives to Executive meetings. Agendas and minutes are circulated to Club Secretaries and other attendees at least a week before the meeting. Dates for Executive meetings are set at the AGM each year. The Executive currently meet online at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated.

Roles and responsibilities for Executive Officers and Section Secretaries.

Executive officers and Section Secretaries

RoleRole HolderEmail Contact
ChairJo Stalley chair@swimbeds.org
SecretaryPhil Pelling secretary@swimbeds.org
TreasurerNoreen Weighell treasurer@swimbeds.org
Competition Secretary Alistair Shaw competition@swimbeds.org
Development Secretary Su Felce development@swimbeds.org
Disability SecretarySandra Grant disability@swimbeds.org
Diving SecretaryBeth Lee diving@swimbeds.org
Masters SecretaryLiz Woolner masters@swimbeds.org
Officials SecretaryLouise Mackie officials@swimbeds.org
Open Water SecretaryIan Murray openwater@swimbeds.org
Swimming SecretaryLindsay Wright swimming@swimbeds.org
Water Polo Secretary vacant
Artistic Swimming Secretaryvacant
President Phil Winder president@swimbeds.org
President Electvacant presidentelect@swimbeds.org