Meet licensing

Licensed meets are swimming events licensed by Swim England. This means they have to meet certain standards to ensure fair competition.

If you are organising a Licensed Meet, or are interested in knowing more about them, the following resources are available to help you:

Level 3 Conditions Template v11

Level 4 Conditions Template v11

Please note- all applications for meets at Level 1-3 have to stipulate in their conditions whether a secondary strobe is available.

After the meet

The Promoter will need to ensure that the following documents are sent to within 14 days of the meet. This applies to each licence number issued.

  • Referee’s report (the referee will probably send this themselves)
  • Promoter’s report
  • List of officials, including name, SE membership number and role at the meet.
  • Any payments relevant to the meet. The levy is specified in the Swim England Open Meet Licensing Criteria (please note the East Region waive the fee for a level 4 single Club event).
  • Back up for the payment calculation, e.g. entry report, list of accepted entries.

Applying for a license

The Meet Promoter will need to send the the following information to: 

  • Licensed Meet Application Form
  • Meet Conditions (please refer to the templates on this page). 
  • Supporting documents: qualifying standards, meet schedule, entry forms

This must be done a minimum of 2 months before the first date of the meet.

Note: a single application may only cover a series of meets if the conditions, entry/limit times etc are the same.

You should not publish any conditions until a licence number has been issued.

When a license has been issued the promoter will receive confirmation. The license number can then be published.

For more information contact the Regional Licensing Officer.